An ordinary Aussie brand making extraordinary outdoor gear
Nearly a decade ago, we launched Alton because we wanted camping gear that ticked all our boxes: tough as nails, pro-grade and packable outdoor equipment at a reasonable price; high-quality, no-frills camping supplies that aren’t overengineered or overpriced (or technicoloured); ultralight gear that doesn’t compromise on durability – or break the bank. We couldn’t find it.
So we made it ourselves.

Best-selling outdoor equipment and camping gear
Our collection of best-selling outdoor equipment includes all the gear you need for epic adventures, from camp kitchen supplies to ultralight sleeping systems to premium outdoor apparel. Everything we make is engineered for quality, durability and functionality so that you can go further and push the limits of your performance in the wild. And, with over 4,200 five-star reviews, you don’t just need to take our word for it.

A proudly Australian owned & operated outdoor shop
We apply our uncompromising performance and quality standards to everything we do, from developing new camping gear with our award-winning design team to streamlining distribution procedures from our warehouse in Brisbane. This forward-thinking approach has helped us earn a reputation as one of Australia’s best outdoor stores. More importantly, it has enabled us to equip you, our loyal community, with the industry-leading outdoor gear you deserve.

Best Sellers FAQs
As a general rule, if someone tells you that a certain piece of equipment is ‘the best’ with no context, they are probably trying to sell you something.
The best equipment for camping is going to depend on where you’re going, what you’re doing and how you like to camp. Once you are clear on your specific needs, you’ll have a much better idea of what outdoor gear will (or won’t) be best for you.
To get you started, we suggest thinking about what type of camping you want to do. Tempted to try hammock camping? Awesome – our Ultimate Guide to Hammock Camping includes a detailed breakdown of essential gear. What about tarp camping? We’ve got you covered there, too, in this Everything You Need to Know About Tarp Camping article.
Head over to the Alton Blog to check out all of our gear guides, how-to’s, adventurer interviews and other useful info.
Alton is owned and operated by Sam Schumann, a regular Aussie bloke who got bored of sitting in an office all day.
In 2015, Sam left his full-time accounting job and launched Alton Goods using his savings. It all started with one product (an early version of our camping hammock), which Sam designed, packed and shipped by hand from his garage in suburban Brisbane.
Nearly a decade on, and Alton is now one of Australia’s top-rated outdoor stores with over 70+ premium products (and many more still in development). Everything we make, from bushcraft tools to our best-selling ultralight camping tarps, is designed, tested and refined in-house by our award winning team. And yes, if you were wondering, Alton outgrew Sam’s garage a while ago.
Alton is based in Brisbane, Australia. We manage product development, packing and dispatch in-house from our warehouse and company headquarters here. We are proud to be an independent, 100% Australian owned and operated brand.
We operate with the highest quality assurance standards and implement responsible manufacturing procedures to minimise our environmental impact as much as possible. This dedication to quality also why our entire range of outdoor equipment and apparel is covered by our All Good Guarantee, a Lifetime Warranty* against manufacturing defects and our promise to you that our gear is made to last a lifetime.
Shop our full range of best-selling gear via our online outdoor store. We offer free shipping for orders over $100 AUD within Australia and $150 USD in the USA. To read more about local and international delivery, please visit our shipping information page.