Over the years here at Alton, we’ve noticed a bit of a trend.
People put a lot of effort into caring for their sleeping bags. They follow the care instructions to the letter, properly cleaning, maintaining and storing their sleeping bag.
But when it comes to their sleeping mat?
No such luck.
Lots of people will just chuck their sleeping mat into their camping gear storage box still tightly rolled up in its storage sack, and leave it there for weeks (or months) until they need it next.
If that’s sounding familiar, then pay attention, because reading this blog article might save your sleeping mat from early retirement.
Because here’s the thing: not only will a well-cared for sleeping mat last longer, it is also less likely to let you down (literally) in the wild.
In this comprehensive sleeping mat care guide, we share our expert advice on how to clean, maintain and store your sleeping pad to keep it in great condition for longer, as well as field repair tips and tricks so you are never caught off guard.
Ready? Let’s get cracking.

Sleeping Mat Care Tips to Prevent Damage
You’ve heard the saying, “prevention is the best cure”, right?
This advice applies to sleeping mat care, too.
Putting a little bit of effort into caring for your sleeping mat now will help you prevent damage down the line.
That means you’ll get better performance and more years of use out of your sleeping mat, saving you money in the long run.
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Check Your Campsite for Debris
Always inspect and clear your sleeping area of sharp objects and vegetation before setting up your shelter. Be warned – while rocks and twigs aren’t comfortable to sleep on, tiny sharp leaves, thistles or spikey grass are also a potential cause of punctures.
2. Use Protection
No, not that kind of protection – we mean protection for your sleeping pad. You should always use something underneath your sleeping mat to protect it from the ground, such as a groundsheet, tent footprint, or closed-cell foam pad. Or all three.
3. Keep Your Shelter Clean
Keeping your shelter clean isn’t just about hygiene – it’s also going to help prevent punctures or other damage to your sleeping mat. A few seconds of effort to brush yourself off and sweep out your tent might just save you from a midnight deflation.
4. Don’t Over-Inflate Your Sleeping Mat
Just because you can inflate your sleeping mat to the absolute max doesn’t mean you should. Not only is a rock-solid sleeping mat way less comfortable, it also puts stress on the seams and internal baffles and makes it more susceptible to punctures because the fabric is so taut.
5. Use A Pump Sack
There are some claims floating around on the internet about how using your mouth to inflate a sleeping mat puts excessive moisture inside the mat. In reality, there isn’t any clear evidence to support this – but we personally still prefer to use a pump sack. Once you’ve got the hang of it, it’s faster, easier and more convenient than blowing up your sleeping mat with your mouth.
6. Be Gentle With The Valve
It’s time to start treating the valve like the critical component it is. Using excessive force on your sleeping mat’s valve is asking for trouble. Unlike a puncture, a leaky or broken valve usually can’t be repaired – so go easy on it.
7. Keep It Out Of Direct Sunlight
If you've ever seen an old tent that’s faded and brittle with little bits flaking off, then you've witnessed UV-induced degradation in action. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can rapidly cause high-performance synthetic materials to weaken and eventually fail, so avoid leaving your sleeping mat in direct sunlight, especially if the UV-index is high.
8. Don’t Get Dirty Sh*t On It
Insect repellent, sunscreen, detergent/soap, and even certain foods can contain chemical compounds that can damage the synthetic materials used in your sleeping mat. If you do happen to spill anything aside from water on your sleeping mat, immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth and follow up with a proper wash (instructions below) when you get home.
9. Use A Sleeping Bag Liner or Fitted Sheet
Using a sleeping mat fitted sheet or sleeping bag liner will help keep your sleeping mat clean and protect it from the substances we mentioned above.
10. Only Use Your Sleeping Mat for Sleeping
It can be tempting to use your sleeping mat as a seat (or a pool floaty), but we strongly advise against it. Instead, invest in a foam sit pad or a dedicated camping chair and only use your sleeping mat for what it’s made for: sleeping.

How To Clean Your Sleeping Mat – Step-by-Step Guide
If you’ve ever spent a few days in the wild, then you’ll know from experience that you get pretty dirty, sweaty and smelly.
And whatever gets on you while you’re camping – dirt, body oils, insect repellent, sunscreen – can end up on your sleeping mat, too.
That’s why it is essential to clean your sleeping mat at least once a season, or more frequently if needed.
Fortunately, cleaning your sleeping mat is easier than cleaning your sleeping bag, but you still need to know what you’re doing beforehand so that you don’t accidentally cause damage.
What You’ll Need
Outdoor gear wash
Empty spray bottle (optional)
Sponge or soft wash cloth
Dry towel
A drying rack
How to Wash Your Sleeping Mat
Step 1: Prep your cleaning station.
Find a clean area where you can safely clean your sleeping mat, such as on the bathroom floor or on a groundsheet outside.
Step 2: Clean the valve (if necessary).
Before cleaning our sleeping mat, we like to check the valve for any dirt, grime or sand that might have got stuck there. Usually a gentle wipe over will do the trick, or you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to dislodge any gunk that’s stuck in there.
Step 3: Partially inflate your sleeping mat.
It is easier to clean an inflatable or self-inflating sleeping mat when it is partially inflated. It doesn’t need to be fully inflated, just enough so the baffles are holding their shape. And whatever you do, make sure you fully close the valve so that no water can go inside!
Step 2: Prepare your cleaning solution.
Fill your spray bottle or bucket with 500ml of warm water and add approximately 10-15ml of outdoor gear cleaner. The ratio of this might vary depending on the brand or type of gear cleaning solution you use, but a 50:1 water to cleaner ratio will usually be about right. DO NOT use detergent, hand soaps or any other cleaning products that are not specifically intended for outdoor gear.
Step 5: Clean your sleeping mat.
Wet your sleeping mat using the spray bottle or by dipping your washcloth into the bucket, then begin to gently scrub the surface with the sponge or cloth. Make sure to get into the grooves between the baffles as well. Once you’ve cleaned the entire sleeping mat like this, you’re ready to rinse.
Step 6: Rinse off your sleeping mat.
Rinse out your washcloth or sponge and fill up the bucket with clean warm water (no cleaning solution this time). Wipe over the pad again to remove the cleaning solution, using a little extra water here if needed.
Step 7: Dry your sleeping mat.
Towel off the outside to get the bulk of the water off. Then, leaving your sleeping mat partially inflated, place it on top of a drying rack in a cool, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight.
Step 8: Dry your sleeping mat some more.
Drying takes time – don’t rush it. After washing, we leave our sleeping mat inflated for 6-8 hours so any internal moisture has time to evaporate before we disinflate it. Then, we open the valve up and leave it for a few more hours to be absolutely sure it is dry inside and out before packing it away.

How to Store Your Sleeping Pad Properly Between Trips
You might not realise it, but how you store your sleeping pad has a big impact on its performance and longevity.
Chucking it into a closet without drying it out properly or keeping it permanently compressed in its sack are common mistakes that can shorten your sleeping pad’s lifespan.
How to Store Your Sleeping Mat
Storing your sleeping mat isn’t rocket science, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Always Dry Your Sleeping Mat Out After A Trip
Storing your sleeping mat while it is even just a tiny bit damp is putting it at risk of growing mould or mildew.
So as soon as you get back from your adventure, make a habit of inflating your sleeping pad and leaving it out to dry at least 6-8 hours in a well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight.
This gives any moisture inside the sleeping mat time to evaporate.
2. Don’t Leave Your Sleeping Mat Compressed
Leaving a sleeping mat compressed, folded or rolled up can damage the insulation and weaken the fabric over time.
Instead, store your sleeping mat laid out flat under a bed or couch (make sure it’s clean under there first). For this method, we like to wrap our sleeping mat in an old cotton sheet to protect it from dust and bugs. And don’t put anything on top of it that will compress it, of course.
If you don’t have enough space to lay your sleeping mat out flat, then you can loosely roll up your sleeping mat in a large sleeping bag storage sack or something similar, like a pillowcase.
Lastly, if you’re really short on space, then you can hang your sleeping mat in a closet by draping it over a coat hanger. If you do this, be sure to use a wide, soft hanger and regularly move your sleeping mat so it’s not always creased in the same spot.
And whichever storage method you go for, always leave the valve open so air isn’t trapped inside the sleeping mat.
3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Your sleeping mat is designed to handle body heat (around 37°C) comfortably. However, extreme and prolonged heat from external sources can pose a real threat.
In the harsh Australian or New Zealand climate, cars, tents, or suboptimal storage spots (attics, uninsulated garages, etc.) can reach temperatures well over 50°C. That’s HOT!
This kind of extreme heat can cause the synthetic materials used in your sleeping mat, including adhesives, insulation and laminated coatings used in your sleeping mat to break down.
A heat-damaged sleeping mat will be less effective at keeping you warm, more susceptible to punctures, and prone to unrepairable slow leaks due to fabric degradation.
And once your sleeping mat is damaged by extreme heat, there’s nothing you can do to reverse it.
Fortunately, all you need to do to avoid this is to store your sleeping mat in a cool, dry place that isn’t prone to extreme temperature fluctuations, such as in your bedroom.
Now You Have No Excuse for Neglecting Your Sleeping Mat!
We think sleeping mats get the rough end of the stick when it comes to care and maintenance. But, with proper care and storage, your sleeping mat will last longer and perform better, so you’ll get better value for money out of it in the long run.
When it comes down to it, proper sleeping pad care is all about ensuring you get the best return on your investment – in comfort, warmth, and reliability.
And considering how vital a sleeping pad is for your comfort and safety (especially on cold nights), it’s well worth making an effort to take care of it.
So next time one of your mates is complaining about yet another punctured pad or mouldy mat, you can tell them what’s up (or just send them this article).